Meet Our 2019 Christmas Be Our Guest Recipients

Meet the 2019 Christmas Show “Be Our Guest” recipients! Every year we review dozens and dozens of your stories about how Vocal Majority has impacted your lives. There are so many great stories that we wish we could bring everyone! This year, we recognize three families.

Timmy Saxman has autism, and some of you may recall when our 2016 “Hallelujah” video went viral that one of the responses we received was when his mom, Tyanne, took a video of Timmy listening with his dad, Tim. The response from Timmy, who is non-verbal, was extraordinary. Now, three years later, the family shared their story and we are bringing them to Texas from Butler, PA, just north of Pittsburgh.

Joy Walter is a single mom whose teenage son, Dev, has Aspergers Syndrome. She wanted so badly to bring Dev that when our tickets went on sale, on faith, she bought a pair, without a plan on how to get here from Pipersville, PA, north of Philadelphia. Joy wrote, “if we are to go, God will find a way.” Then a few weeks later, they saw our post on Facebook about Be Our Guest. The family has been recently broken by addiction, but still, Dev imagines himself on the risers amongst us.

Joedy Melashenko and his wife, Judy, lost everything in the Paradise, CA, fires a year ago where 14,000 homes were lost. Joedy told us that listening to our recordings has been a blessing, and that "Bless This House" and "I'll Never Walk Alone" have taken on new meaning with our music lifting their souls and spirits. They have retired and moved to Sun City, Arizona, and are still rebuilding their lives after losing everything.

If you haven’t reserved your tickets to this year’s Christmas Show, we urge you to do so now!